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Why older people should train in Martial Arts: To empower our mind and body

It’s never too late to train in martial arts

Why learn jiujitsu train in martial arts when were older.

Train in martial arts. Its healthy for us and keeps us motivated and to look forward to somthing through the day on our down time. It’s really good for our body and mind and flexibility and range of mation. It Keeps us off the couch when we get older and being active. Then, it helps our physical activity and keeps us mentally active. Gives us self confidence and self-estem is a big boost when we get older.

Train in Martial arts taught me self-defence

Self-defence for older people should train in martial arts. So, yesterday I was in a situation that was aggressive and hostile environment with a person. He was at first really average person and polite. But however, things change once he thought he was treated unfairly. From that point on my mind went into protect mode and mind control, and my breathing was an ok, because I knew the situation that I was in.

However, my adrenaline was out of control and my nervous system kick in at the point of trying to focus on the task at hand. As I control my breathing and adrenalin, I was able to focus little better and stay calm at the same time. However, I felt my mind was weak and afraid, but also, I think I did the best I can to control my anger and held my emotion in check. I was thinking about my family and my job so that kind of smooth over my emotions.

First jiujitsu tournament

Why do jiujitsu

So, this was the first time competing in jiujitsu in my jiujitsu journey. I had fun, but I was very nervous and out of sorts. I didn’t want to lose bad or get humiliated but, guess what? that what happen to me. Lol. As long as you’re enjoying yourself and having fun and while training that’s all that matters. We want to have fun too, while learning something that can perhaps protects us from a violent altercation. Then maybe helping someone out there that needs help with self confidence.

Why train martial arts

Why is Martial Arts great to learn. Because, if you ever get into a hostile or unexpected environment, you’ll be a little bite more prepare for the encounter. If you ever find yourself in a violate altercation you can control your emotions a little better. However, it doesn’t mean you will come out victorious, it just means that your brain can makes you realize the situation you’re in and you do have the ability to protect yourself better.

You will be more confident in a hostile situation were you know can defend your self againts a agressive person. Martial arts could end up defend your self from getting harm to your-self or even saving your life and your family too. It let will bring out your agrassion and raise yor voice, to let them know you are not to be bully no matter aht happens before hand.

I been bully almost all my life becuase I have a disability and I was confronted with that consisently almost during all my time in my hole school years. However, i never let that get in my way for the majority of my life, because i still went out to play sports. So, now doing martail arts like Juit-juitsu and Muay Thai has gave me more confidence and control my mind a little better during confrontation.

why I'm taking a selfie on my smart phone after working out be prepare for whatever
I’m here to inspired and motivate anybody!

Why our body changes

As we get older with age our body and mind start to change more over the years. The way we acted when we were younger, might not be the same as of now as we gotten older in the way we think know, as when we were younger. When we were playing sports, and we train as hard as possible when we were younger and train hard as possible and for a long period of time, and if we got hurt our injuries would last very long, if it wasn’t a major injury. We would recover a lot faster, and our injuries wouldn’t last long when we were young.


It’s never too late to learn jiu-jitsu.

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